Fun family fact: this guy was my wife’s cousin. Her family lived nearby on Long Island, and her mom and grandmother always were strict with the family about not having anything to do with them. Even going by the house was “forbidden” (as much as anything can be in an old Italian family). Of course that’s the first thing I did when we started dating, lol. (Respectfully of course, I just drove down the street to say that I had. There was no gawking.)

    31 year ago

    Whoa! Now that is impressive.

    There’s family lore that some of our distant relatives in Denmark smuggled weapons to the partisans during WWII, but there’s no details. Who knows if it’s true?

    • WoodGrainTerrain
      11 year ago

      As an amateur historian, I quite like stories of resistance to the Nazis. Perhaps if we take their antifascist torch and run with it, it will become true enough.