what are some of the methods or guides to download or ripping videos from various sites also any way to download from premium file hosts like rapidgator and others
what are some of the methods or guides to download or ripping videos from various sites also any way to download from premium file hosts like rapidgator and others
The most powerful app I’ve ever used for this is 1DM+ (there’s a free version as well). It won’t let you download YouTube videos due to Play Store rules, but everything else pretty much works. I’ve never managed to match its versatility or speed for downloading videos from sites with anything else. (I’d love to replicate it on my Linux machine, if I could.)
I second 1DM+. For some reason it’s the most cracked download manager I’ve ever used even compared to jdownloader2. No clue how or why it’s so good, but I also wish I could get it to run on my Linux machine.
How does this compare to jDownloader2? JD2 seems to be able to deal with almost anything you try throwing it (with some edge cases, but you can often figure out workarounds).