Hi everyone! I recently created a custom service menu for the Dolphin file manager, but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be working as expected.

My goal is to have a menu to convert image file formats quickly with image magick.

Here is the .desktop file I managed to arrange

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Convert Image
X-KDE-Submenu=Convert Image

[Desktop Action topng]
Name=To Png
Exec=sh -c 'FILE="%f"; DIRECTORY="$(dirname $FILE)"; FILENAME="${FILE%.*}"; magick "$FILE" -format png "$DIRECTORY/$FILENAME.png"'

[Desktop Action tojpg]
Name=To Jpg
Exec=sh -c 'FILE="%f"; DIRECTORY="$(dirname $FILE)"; FILENAME="${FILE%.*}"; magick "$FILE" -format jpg "$DIRECTORY/$FILENAME.jpg"'

[Desktop Action toico]
Name=To Ico
Exec=sh -c 'FILE="%f"; DIRECTORY="$(dirname $FILE)"; FILENAME="${FILE%.*}"; magick "$FILE" -format ico "$DIRECTORY/$FILENAME.ico"'

[Desktop Action towebp]
Name=To Webp
Exec=sh -c 'FILE="%f"; DIRECTORY="$(dirname $FILE)"; FILENAME="${FILE%.*}"; magick "$FILE" -format webp "$DIRECTORY/$FILENAME.webp"'

When I right-click on an image my custom menu item appears as expected. However, when I click on the menu item, nothing happens. There are no error messages or any indication of what might be going wrong.

I made sure the .desktop file is executable and the sh script works when using it on the command line, so I’m out of ideas for what could be going wrong.

Are there any logs I can check to get more information about what’s failing? I’m using plasma 6.3.3 on Arch btw

Edit: To answer how to troubleshoot custom service menus (specifically .desktops) the desktop-file-validate cli utlility checks all the syntax errors and can provide solutions to what’s wrong. For my use case though, using a script file for the Exec line and avoiding any double quotes was the practical way of assuring my service menu works.

  • mox
    6 days ago

    I can’t tell from that error message whether the inner quotes are being discarded when the command is run, or just hidden when the error message is displayed.

    Too bad it doesn’t tell you what part of the command is causing the syntax error. Have you checked for more info in the output of journalctl --boot _UID=1000? (Assuming your user id is 1000 and you use systemd.)

    Re-reading the spec page that I linked above, I see reference to both a general escape rule and a quoting rule. That could be complicating things with the quotes and backslashes, and maybe even the dollar signs and semicolons, which apparently are reserved. In case it helps, I don’t think those semicolons are needed at all.

    Before diving deeper into escaping rules, though, I would consider whether it’s time to move the whole command line into a script, and simply pass %f to the script in your Exec= line. That would avoid the need for nested escaping/quoting, and allow you to write debug information to a temporary file when the script runs.

    • tomatoely@sh.itjust.worksOP
      6 days ago

      It’s fixed now! At first I researched a little more and found about the desktop-file-validate cli utility from the desktop-file-utils package, and it did tell me a lot about the syntax errors I was making with the exec command.

      But as you wisely suggested, dealing with those escaping rules was a bit too bothersome for my use case, so I ended going the bash script route which worked flawlessly at last! So thank you for pointing that out!

      Here’s the final .desktop file for anyone interested:

      [Desktop Entry]
      X-KDE-Submenu=Convert Image Format
      [Desktop Action topng]
      Name=To Png
      Exec=/home/myuser/.local/share/kio/servicemenus/scripts/convert-image.sh %f png
      [Desktop Action tojpg]
      Name=To Jpg
      Exec=/home/myuser/.local/share/kio/servicemenus/scripts/convert-image.sh %f jpg
      [Desktop Action toico]
      Name=To Ico
      Exec=/home/myuser/.local/share/kio/servicemenus/scripts/convert-image.sh %f ico
      [Desktop Action towebp]
      Name=To Webp
      Exec=/home/myuser/.local/share/kio/servicemenus/scripts/convert-image.sh %f webp

      and the bash script coupled with it:

      # Check if magick is installed
      if ! command -v magick &> /dev/null; then
          echo "Error: magick command not found. Please install ImageMagick."
          exit 1
      # Check if FILE exists
      if [[ ! -f "$FILE" ]]; then
          echo "File not found: $FILE"
          exit 1
      DIRECTORY=$(dirname "$FILE")
      # Get the file name by looking for the longest match starting from the beginning of the string up to the last dot.
      FILENAME=$(basename "$FILE" .${FILE##*.})
      # Convert the file format using magick
      magick "$FILE" -format "$FORMAT" "$DIRECTORY/$FILENAME.$FORMAT"
      • mox
        6 days ago

        Glad you got it working!

        BTW, in case you’re not aware of it, you might find the shellcheck command useful when writing scripts.