Nowhere is this discrepancy more apparent than at the Washington Post, a newspaper famed for opposing a prior Republican president with an expansive view of executive power. These days, however, even as Post reporters like Jeff Stein are busy breaking stories (e.g., 1/28/25, 2/8/25) about the Trump power grab, the paper’s higher-ups are careful not to offend the president or Musk. The Post is even, incredibly, calling on the Constitution-defying billionaire duo to push further.
The one thing democrats should never do is act like Trump. Spite and revenge are not healthy political attitudes.
No person deserves a seat at the very table that they are trying to destroy.
If that is considered an “unhealthy political attitude”, then I don’t want to be healthy.
The press has always been biased. Bezos just reversed the WaPo’s bias.
All press is biased. If you deny one press outfit access to the White House, you need to deny them all or none at all. Otherwise, you’re partial, you favor your guys and you’re no better than Trump.