The Indian rice export ban, the war in Ukraine and El Niño are combining to create a “doom loop” for the world’s poorest people, as staple food prices soar.

    2511 months ago

    I agree with you that India doesn’t need to take sides, but I’m pretty sure Russian/West cooperation had been increasingly positive since the cold war ended, right until Putin decided he wanted to be an imperialist again. The West didn’t make him invade a sovereign, non-threatening country.

            1411 months ago

            Iraq was a bullshit war. Cheney, Bush, and Rumsfeld should be in prison for lying to American public to involve us. The Iraqi civilian death toll was obscene. Few will disagree with this.

            Ukraine is a bullshit war. Putin should be in prison for lying to involve Russia in it. Few outside Russia disagree with this.

            It’s not a soccer match. These statements are self-consistent, not contradictory.

              111 months ago

              I agree; the joke is that multinationalism is used as a shield. Russia is a far-right fascist state just like America has a right and a far right party, just like how Europe is sliding back to fascism, and while China dives into its thought police hell world all while all of the above exploit the rest of the world and or there own citizens to push nationalism to its upmost cancerous potential untill the whole house of cards snaps on the inferno thtis clmiate change.

        1311 months ago

        yes, your point being?

        Russia is excused because USA is also doing bad stuff? Because that is a weak fucking argument.

        11 months ago

        Ah yes. Yet another “fuck the USA” shit poster in a thread about rice shortages and Russian invasions. Russia did not have to annex Crimea. Russia did not have to invade a peaceful country. You can shit on USA all you want but don’t “lawl” your way into correlating the two.