So you are worried that the Trump admin might find little things turn them into felonies and go after his political opponents. Wonder where he learned that?
You’re politically illiterate if that’s what you took from my comment. Trump is not accused / convicted of little things. But sure, be like my mother, someone who truly believes he’s a good leader. (Your bullshit) Doesn’t bother me. (My mother’s bullshit makes me sad.)
When multiple democrats admitted the charges against Trump were bogus you should probably be suspicious of the claims but critical thinking is not for everyone.
What penalties would have been proscribed had a vindictive man not been returned to power vs when he can unleash hell upon a judge? It’s a fun thought experiment.
A former New York Attorney General, and rabid Trump hater, says he shouldn’t have been charged, the judge doesn’t sentence him and the conclusion you draw is the judge was intimidated.
So you are worried that the Trump admin might find little things turn them into felonies and go after his political opponents. Wonder where he learned that?
You’re politically illiterate if that’s what you took from my comment. Trump is not accused / convicted of little things. But sure, be like my mother, someone who truly believes he’s a good leader. (Your bullshit) Doesn’t bother me. (My mother’s bullshit makes me sad.)
When multiple democrats admitted the charges against Trump were bogus you should probably be suspicious of the claims but critical thinking is not for everyone.
Source. Now. You’re full of shit. He committed crimes. Lots of them. Come suck his dick some more.
It’s quite impressive how much you’ve insulated yourself from reality.
Have you asked yourself why the judge didn’t even fine Trump.
What penalties would have been proscribed had a vindictive man not been returned to power vs when he can unleash hell upon a judge? It’s a fun thought experiment.
A former New York Attorney General, and rabid Trump hater, says he shouldn’t have been charged, the judge doesn’t sentence him and the conclusion you draw is the judge was intimidated.
Provide sources.
Since you seemed to miss it the first time.
Let’s see if you can provide a source that the judge was intimidated by Trump.