BMW tests next-gen LiDAR to beat Tesla to Level 3 self-driving cars::Tesla’s autonomous vehicle tech has been perennially stuck at Level 2 self-driving, as BMW and other rivals try to leapfrog to Level 3.

      111 months ago

      From what I’ve heard, they have a history of letting other companies trailblaze, and then they come in to refine and perfect tech afterward. They recently tried to be the trailblazer and bet on a losing tech. Hopefully now they are refining the ev game and will come out with something above and beyond what we’ve seen so far as per their old MO.

      111 months ago

      They’ve made some incredible solid state battery leaps recently. For Japan hydrogen actually makes way more sense than a pure EV play too due to the way their grid(s) is set up and their power generation capacity. It’s their home market too so they are going to prioritise that.

        311 months ago

        The solid state press releases Toyota releases every once in a while do look incredible. It would be nice for them to demonstrate and deliver it though because I hope it’s not vaporware.