If I remember correctly, and I don’t have the quote for this, but I think he once said that he was aware that Infinite Jest takes effort to read. It wasn’t a deliberate choice to make it difficult for the sake of being difficult, but that it was difficult because we’re no longer used to putting in the effort into reading. The deal must be that if you do the work, the story will reward you for it. Any book can be made difficult to read, but if they do it for the sake of being difficult, you will not want to read more from that author I guess.
If I remember correctly, and I don’t have the quote for this, but I think he once said that he was aware that Infinite Jest takes effort to read. It wasn’t a deliberate choice to make it difficult for the sake of being difficult, but that it was difficult because we’re no longer used to putting in the effort into reading. The deal must be that if you do the work, the story will reward you for it. Any book can be made difficult to read, but if they do it for the sake of being difficult, you will not want to read more from that author I guess.