I miss that i could google something, write reddit in the end and the results would be honest and not ads or trash

  • RheingoldRiver
    51 year ago

    ‘what you see is what you get’ and didn’t really take much to figure out how to use it.

    Yeah you say that but…do you remember first going there and seeing like “TIL” “AMA” “AITA” “ELI5” etc shouted at you and having NO IDEA what any of these things meant and it made 0 sense at first?

    • 000
      11 year ago

      Yeah very true but I suppose those are just anagrams and each sub has their own in a lot of ways. The user experience of ‘Front Page’, ‘Subreddits’ and how to subscribe to them and navigate the site is what I was referring to.

    • bozo
      11 year ago

      I just recently figured out what IANAL meant after a decade plus on Reddit.