I once found a couple of bee boxes and a zillion bees sitting on the curb. I took a picture, and posted it and the address to the free section of craigslist. I then got a zillion messages from catty bitches berating me for throwing away perfectly good bugs. Eventually I got a message from a bee girl that she had picked up the bees and taken them home with her. I got another message from another bee girl who was disappointed that she had gotten there too late and that there were no more bees for her.
I once found a couple of bee boxes and a zillion bees sitting on the curb. I took a picture, and posted it and the address to the free section of craigslist. I then got a zillion messages from catty bitches berating me for throwing away perfectly good bugs. Eventually I got a message from a bee girl that she had picked up the bees and taken them home with her. I got another message from another bee girl who was disappointed that she had gotten there too late and that there were no more bees for her.
Someday I’d like to meet a bee girl.
I asked her to send me a video of her covered in bees, but she didn’t.