From the article: In December 19 thousands of Amazon workers organizing with the Teamsters launched a cascade of unfair practice strikes from coast to coast at the logistics giant.

At the picket line in Queens, New York, police arrested and released Anthony Rosario, a Teamsters organizer, and Jogernsyn Cardenas, one of the striking workers, and then threatened mass arrests before breaking the line in two to allow vans through.

  • JokeDeity
    414 days ago

    Definitely not always and a court appointed one will do, but yeah, this is another case where cops can arbitrarily ruin people’s lives and livelihoods.

      314 days ago

      Ruin lives = more extremists with nothing to lose.

      Im always scared of court system. Buddies dad went 6 months on 1st time Misdemeanor defending a women from SA. Judge said he felt no remorse. Like no sh#!.