Reason I’m asking is because I have an aunt that owns like maybe 3 - 5 (not sure the exact amount) small townhouses around the city (well, when I say “city” think of like the areas around a city where theres no tall buildings, but only small 2-3 stories single family homes in the neighborhood) and have these houses up for rent, and honestly, my aunt and her husband doesn’t seem like a terrible people. They still work a normal job, and have to pay taxes like everyone else have to. They still have their own debts to pay. I’m not sure exactly how, but my parents say they did a combination of saving up money and taking loans from banks to be able to buy these properties, fix them, then put them up for rent. They don’t overcharge, and usually charge slightly below the market to retain tenants, and fix things (or hire people to fix things) when their tenants request them.

I mean, they are just trying to survive in this capitalistic world. They wanna save up for retirement, and fund their kids to college, and leave something for their kids, so they have less of stress in life. I don’t see them as bad people. I mean, its not like they own multiple apartment buildings, or doing excessive wealth hoarding.

Do leftists mean people like my aunt too? Or are they an exception to the “landlords are bad” sentinment?

  • circuitfarmer
    3 months ago

    Renting is not a service. It is a passive income.

    People playing a song or driving a car for someone else are performing a service.

    Of course you don’t own the car when you get an Uber. Not sure the point of the comment.

    Edit: I’ll also note that hedging on this issue of passive income is one reason why the wealth disparity in the US is so astronomical. If we treat passive incomes as services, we ignore the fact that they produce value from nothing. Every dollar made from a passive income came from an active income.

    Passive incomes like property rental also make it exceedingly easy to contribute to generational wealth – one more way that wealth gap gets wider.

    We must stop pretending that housing (and healthcare) can work using traditional business models.

      3 months ago

      I guess it really depends on whether or not the landlord is a slumlord or not.

      Home ownership is not easy. Homes and properties require constant care and maintenance, for those who care about them. Having two properties can easily eat up 2-3 days a week, year round.

      Absolute bare minimum I put at least $10,000 into my house every year, and that’s if I do all the work myself and nothing major breaks.

      Paint, decking, siding, roof, furnace, plumbing, electrical, lighting, exhaust fans, yardwork, insulation, windows, doors, cabinetry, appliances, replacing sewer lines, cleaning french drains, gutters, etc etc. They may not all need work in the same year, but they do all need work and some of those jobs are a major time and money commitment.

      To say property ownership is a passive income is ignorant at best, but more likely disingenuous. If it’s truly passive, it’s only passive for a short period of time before the costs catch up to you and your “investment” is ruined.

      3 months ago

      Providing rental housing is a service. It’s a job, like being a waiter or a flight attendant.

      • circuitfarmer
        3 months ago

        Note that being a waiter or a flight attendant requires activity which directly affects the client – just like other services. Not true of landlords.

        Owning a property and renting it out does not intrinsically equate to providing a service. In fact, the only activity one has to do (in many cases) is collect rent, which is a service to the landlord only. Landlords can offer services – improving the property, for example (though it’s a service which does also benefit the landlord) – but this is not intrinsic to property renting in the way of any service you mentioned.

        And it certainly isn’t a job, in the traditional sense of having a boss and a schedule etc. I guess in some sense it is closer somewhat to independent contracting, except that you ultimately get to kick out your “clients” if you want to, and you don’t have to do anything they ask. Even by that interpretation, it’s money for nothing. “Job” suggests effort.

        I assume you’re about to try and claim that paperwork and government hoops that landlords may have to work through means that they must, by definition, be a service. And to that, I would say: things that give you income are meant to require effort. But I’d gladly take over the paperwork for my landlord if it meant I didn’t need to keep giving him half of my active income every month for doing literally nothing, and I don’t think I’m alone in that at all.

          3 months ago

          You are mistaken regarding the activities that landlords do. And the lower the income of the tenant, the more work the landlord has to do.

          Paperwork and dealing with government bureaucracy is part of the job.

          Landlord activities directly affect the “client” which is the same in any service industry.

          Being self employed still means having a job. Some people only know what it’s like to be an employee. They don’t know the ins and outs of running your own business. Perhaps that’s why you don’t understand the job of being a rental property owner.

          • circuitfarmer
            3 months ago

            Again, all those things you mention directly impact your profit as a landlord. They have nothing to do with your tenants. It is not a service.

            If I want to be able to drive a car, I have to get a license. But that doesn’t mean that getting a license is a service to anyone who might ride in my car. It’s overhead that I have to perform in order to drive a car.

            Hearing landlords complain about paperwork while sucking up their psssive income calls for the tiniest violins ever. But, thanks to that income, they probably haven’t had a real job in so long that the difference may be difficult for them to comprehend.

              3 months ago

              Being a landlord IS a real job. You’re not getting it. You seem to have some idea that all a landlord does is sit back and collect rent. This is not true.

              There’s a lot of work involved in setting up and managing properties. Some months it’s less and some months it’s more. Being self employed isn’t a 40 hour a week punch a clock type of job. The more properties, the more work is involved.