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  • @pmjvOP
    315 days ago

    I wish I could help, I really do, but this is not something you should let anyone influence you in. Some decisions are just that - hard. One thing I can promise to do for you though is to let you know as soon as I find out someone new is alive.

    They also say, don’t make decisions on an empty stomach.

    • @qrstuvM
      315 days ago

      I know that one. I’ve been meaning to draw this for you for a while now, but I just can’t seem to get around to it.

      • @pmjvOP
        315 days ago


        I’m not even surprised. I already know of your immense knowledge of animated deep cuts. I made (some) effort to find you something where nobody says anything and is a little bit topical.

        • @qrstuvM
          15 days ago

          Believe it or not, no matter how late I ever stayed up, The National Film Board of Canada never played that one on the T.V. It’s new to me.

          • @pmjvOP
            315 days ago

            I feel like we made great strides on our journey for content today.

            • @qrstuvM
              15 days ago

              It’s relatively easy to publish a cartoon like that in 1946. Obviously I understand that it’s not necessarily about what it’s about, but it’s still easy to publish a cartoon like that in 1946. I’ve always held the troublesome opinion that you can’t make a truly great cartoon unless you’re at risk of getting beheaded. And I don’t feel like I’ve made any strides today towards getting my head chopped off.

              • @pmjvOP
                15 days ago

                I understand. The pursuit of the tormented artist content creator. I agree that is the one who produces the - to use your words - truly great work. Maybe next time we can look at some war-period Toyen ink.

                This has been an inspiring exchange. I daresay am a little bit less certain about everything.