So I’m pretty sure most of you guys also came from reddit. Or at least, a majority of you did. So I think you all understand how addictive it can be. I’m not going to lie, in the past few years I really liked to go up every now and then to troll stupid and harmful people. But lately, I realised it’s all a waste of time because it’s not like I can actually hurt them - I mean I did manage to hurt them but only because they were dumb enough, but it’s not like I can actually “”act upon my judgement”” or any other cringe thing an edgelord can think about. But yeah, I’ve grown tired of negativity, and I want to be a… wholesome person, I think. But sometimes when relaxing, I get the urge to hop back on Reddit to troll some people just because, which I don’t want. I mean don’t misunderstand me, I didn’t entirely gave up on Reddit bc I still have an account there and I do go up if I want to see gaming shit or anything related to my niche interest, I’m just avoiding some specific subreddits. So what should I do? Does anyone else have similar feelings as I do?

  • OneCardboardBox
    3 months ago

    I used to browse certain subreddits for negativity bait. Eventually I decided that I didn’t want to immerse myself in a negative mindset so often.

    The trick for me was to recognize those moments when I was on auto-pilot and navigating to those spaces because I was bored and it was a reflex. I would remind myself that I know it’s bad for me, and then force myself to do literally anything else. Go to some other website. Vacuum the floor. Put on some music and go for a walk. Eventually I lost that reflexive instinct, and now I have no desire to go back to those places.

    I’m not going to pretend that what worked for me will work for anyone else, nor will I say that I’m now a better person for avoiding those spaces. I’ve probably replaced that habit with an equally pointless one, it’s just nice to not always view things from the context of tearing others down.