Just wondering if people use their post vaped herb for anything? Personally we’ve been putting it into a bottle of olive oil (50/50 ratio) and letting it infuse over a month or so. On Sunday mornings we then pour it onto fresh toast and then go for what we call a space walk. You wouldn’t believe how high we get from this! I think it’s an excellent way to get the most value out of your herbs.

Warning: it’s stronger than you’d expect so take it easy at the beginning to gauge strength.

  • Delta 3D Studios
    81 year ago

    Since the herb is now decarb’d it can be properly ingested by the body.

    I’ve done a few things over the years with it:

    • Firecrackers - grab some peanutbutter and crackers. Load up a cracker with PB (and jelly if desired), then sprinkle on some ABV and enjoy

    • Yogurt - mix in some ABV with yogurt to conceal the flavor. Easy to eat a lot of ABV this way hahaha.

    • Chocolate milkshake - delicious and blends nicely with the ABV flavor.

    • Sous-vide budder - I use a sous vide heated to 180F. I put 1/2 a cup of ABV per one four-ounce stick of budder, with a quarter cup of water and some coconut oil into a bag and put that in the sous vide for four hours. Then I strain the contents using a french-press and pour into silicone molds which I pop into the freezer. After an hour I crack open the molds and pour out the black “water” (which contains all the grit and sediment from the ABV) - this lets me have nice fresh sticks of budder with no ice or black ABV sediment. I then bake edibles with the budder (NOTE, I always bake edibles at 325F and extend baking time to ensure I don’t cook off too many active compounds from the ABV). I also like to make Rice-Krispy treats since they require a lot of budder.

    Pro tip: Hate the flavor of your ABV? You can “water-cure” it to eliminate that flavor. Put some ABV in a cheesecloth and wrap it up, then flush with COLD Water until water runs clear through cheesecloth.

    • @GhostCowboy76@lemmy.world
      11 year ago

      I had absolutely no idea you could use the ABV 🤦🏽‍♂️ I have been washing it down the drain like a dingus this whole time. Any suggestions on storage? Thanks for the great break down by the way!

      • Delta 3D Studios
        1 year ago

        Hahaha, some people like to save it and use it for all sorts of stuff. Others just trash it since they’ve extracted most of what they wanted.

        I usually keep mine in a large air-tight tightvac container. What I do is use one of my Toothpick Debowlers or Vape Spittoon to catch a few ounces of spent material. Then I dump it into the larger air-tight container as needed. Since the material is dried/cooked, it stores very well - never had an issue with mold buildup or anything in the large jumbo tightvac container I use.

        Enjoy your newfound bonus of dry vaporizing haha

        • @GhostCowboy76@lemmy.world
          21 year ago

          Yeah so I’ve been messing around with it since I read your comment. It’s sick! I had a really nice high off it the other night sprinkling a bunch on top of peanut butter and graham crackers, nice treat.

          I’ll take a look at the links. Thanks again 🤙🏽

    • ForestOrca
      01 year ago

      Just remember friends, AVK is much stronger than AVB.
      Note: B = Bud K = Kief