You have seen them, video clips grabbed off Instagram or TikTok have this EXTREMELY annoying logo and sound at the end (specially Instagram lately, doubly so with headphones). I’d like to just throw a script/command/Bash alias at any of these and have a resulting video without them, and ffmpeg IS the Swiss army knife of video processing, but it’s syntax is NOT what you’d call simple. Does anyone have a recipe for this already?

  • mox
    71 month ago

    I would try the -to option with a negative duration. (I’m assuming negative duration counts from the end of the file instead of the beginning.)

    • bbbhltz
      91 month ago

      I think this is the easiest. But, -to can’t do negative times. You need to nest a different comment inside the FFmpeg command to to the math.

      I think this might work to remove 2 seconds from the end of a video

      ffmpeg -ss 0 -i in.mp4 -t $(( $(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 in.mp4 |cut -d\. -f1) - 2 )) -c copy out.mp4