I’m currently deciding if I want to make a mamba build, do some Frontline to unlock an engineer, or join the latest gold rush (Don’t need the money, but had huge fun back when AXI discord was very active/social with 16+ people in an instance)

  • @FenrisDrayton@lemmy.zip
    22 years ago

    Anti-xeno combat and exobiology are good money, wing mining or wing massacre missions with a full wing is really good money

    • @kender242@lemmy.worldOP
      22 years ago

      Elite really shines when the gameplay encourages co-op interactions, and falls flat when instancing discourages it. It was great when the buffed mining … a year ago? Seems like it should have always been a legit way to get money over combat.

      My Discount Cutter (7A Universal Multi Limpet Controller gives you so many limpets!)

      Ant-Xeno is still a thing https://antixenoinitiative.com/ but I feel like some community focus was lost when there was more to do than attack interceptors. Maybe I should unlock the new caustic heatsinks and explore a maelstrom?

      • @FenrisDrayton@lemmy.zip
        22 years ago

        Once the samples delivery started it kind of killed the war for me: I’m the person who wants to casually fight interceptors. Humanity took back like 80 systems this week with near zero invasions. Although that’s cool for the groups hardcore into the war, makes it real hard for me to participate