Personally I’m really obsessed with the lore in Fire Emblem: Three Houses

    1 month ago

    10/10 recommend. I’m 6/9 through the expanse and on 7/10 with Joe Abercrombie. (these are number of books, not ratings)

    Joe’s books are great. After the first trilogy, it’s 3 stand-alone and a compilation of short stories. So if you don’t love his stuff (if you liked the expanse you will) you can be done after the First Law Trilogy

    My lemmy username is directly related to the First Law Trilogy

        21 month ago

        I’d say the same. And he’s got so many good quotes, most (killin’ aside) relatable.

        Logan Ninefingers (First Law) Amos Burton (Expanse) Wayne & Steris (Mistborn, Era 2)

        I don’t think there’s another character I like more than these folks. Logan probably sits at the top though.

        21 month ago

        Is probably say coal shivers. I kind feel like he’s ambercrombies favorite as well since he’s actually in all of them