Why are some people here on fuckcars still debating on what the best car is ? I mean, most of the time the best car is no car.

edit : that was a genuine question. I wasn’t expecting such wrath from car enthusiasts.

  • @howrar@lemmy.ca
    142 years ago

    Why not both? No one is going to put their lives on hold until public transit becomes available. Until that happens, you choose the least harmful option.

    As for having public transit available for everyone, how would that work in very sparsely populated areas? Wouldn’t you just be wasting a ton of resources driving around a vehicle with no one in it?

    • @weshgoOP
      -52 years ago

      I agree with the first statement. The answer for the least harfull option is easy though : if you currently are dependent on cars (a lot of people think they are but really aren’t, they are just lazy), get the smallest, most reliable second hand car you can find. Buying any thing new is just feedind the capitalist beast that the car industry is. If you choose to live in such a remote place that any form of public transportation would be “wasting a ton of resources driving around a vehicle with no one in it” then you are on you own.

      • Pagshile
        22 years ago

        What about people who live in such areas because there are jobs there that need doing?

        • Tippon
          12 years ago

          Or people who live outside the US, in areas that aren’t flat and open?

        • @weshgoOP
          -12 years ago

          If you are somewhere for work then you’re probably not on your own and your employer could offer some form of common transportation so you don’t rely on your own car (and foundings) to get your task done.

          • Pagshile
            12 years ago

            Ok, for one example, what would a park ranger do? (Not just USA rangers, this is a global job role.)

            • @weshgoOP
              2 years ago

              You will aways find exceptions (like emergency and medical sercices, transporting people who cannot walk or bike, transporting goods …) that’s why I said “most of the time”. A park ranger (edit : I meant " could use") use a car for her/his duties and go back home to her/his personal business with public transport. Most situations could be handled without a car, and the few left could be handled with much smaller vehicles (and should be looked at to minimize the use of car to a maximum. I’m sure a ranger could do some of her/his job riding a dirtbike)

              • @howrar@lemmy.ca
                32 years ago

                You will aways find exceptions

                Exactly. This is a response to your claim that we should not be comparing cars at all because no one should be driving at all, implying that there are no exceptions.

              • Pagshile
                22 years ago

                I was actually responding to a specific strand of your argument; anyway:

                A park ranger , use a car for her/his duties and go back home to her/his personal business with public transport.

                All those park rangers who commute out of the the nearest big city every day?

                I’m no longer convinced that you’re arguing in good faith but even if you are I think we’re done here. Especially if you are in fact.