• Dagwood222@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    Nixon and Reagan sending jobs overseas? Both those guys were staunch conservatives. By the time center Left Clinton came in it was a done deal.

    The reason ‘no fault divorce’ broke up so many families was that there were a lot of women getting beaten by their husbands.

    And it was conservative polices that destroyed the one breadwinner family. When Nixon came in ‘middle class’ was one Union job supporting a family of four. Nixon knew the Vietnam War was unwinnable, but he didn’t want to be the one to lose it either. His solution was to keep printing money to pay for the war, while not raising taxes to pay for it. This caused inflation. Jimmy Carter was the one who cooled the inflation spiral down by hiring a man named Paul Volker. After Carter lost in 1980, Reagan kept Volker.

    So from 1968 to 1992 you had four years of a Democratic President and twenty years of GOP Conservatives. That’s when we went from one income being enough to support a family of four to needing two incomes. That’s also the time when $1 million went from being a vast personal fortune to what a rich guy paid for a party.

    Finally, one big reason a lot of people turned away from religion was hucksters like Jerry Falwell and his Moral Majority. Many if the so-called religious schools in the south sprang up after the Supreme Court made school segregation illegal. Instead of sending their kids to school with ‘those people’ the so-called religious folks opened private schools that got around the law.

    Maybe if the religious leadership of this country had actually followed Christ’s teaching we wouldn’t be here. We’ll never know.

    • 52fighters
      4 months ago

      You may not have noticed but, other than Nixon opening China and the presidents since him accelerating the export of jobs, everything else I mentioned was non-political or on the margins of politics. People need to stop thinking of politics like a religion. There’s a whole lot that happens outside the question of who the president is or what party is more popular. This stuff was going to happen no matter who was the president and no matter who ran congress. Virtually all these problems happened at the same time outside of the United States too, especially the western world. The problems opened-up because the effects of Vatican II and the modern-rite Mass. These were the restraints on moral relativism and modernism that had been pushing for a new way since the 1880’s. Once the restraint was gone, the people acted without regard to an authority that no longer existed in their minds.

      • Dagwood222@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        Back at the time of Vatican 2 being LGBT was illegal in most of the Western world. Hypocrites in the Church shielded predator priests and moved them from parish to parish when they got caught. People got sick of the two-faced moralists and walked away.

        Also, you didn’t respond to my point that a lot of marriages broke up because women were tired of getting beaten up.

        • 52fighters
          4 months ago

          Vatican II and the modern rite were pushed by the same people who raped little boys. I do not see any evidence that there were a significant number of marriages that broke-up because of physical abuse.