Conservative groups have crafted a plan for demolishing the federal government’s efforts to counter climate change — and it wouldn’t stop with President Joe Biden’s policies.

The 920-page blueprint, whose hundreds of authors include former Trump administration officials, would go far beyond past GOP efforts to slash environmental agencies’ budgets or oust “deep state” employees.

Called Project 2025, it would block the expansion of the electrical grid for wind and solar energy; slash funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s environmental justice office; shutter the Energy Department’s renewable energy offices; prevent states from adopting California’s car pollution standards; and delegate more regulation of polluting industries to Republican state officials.

  • CIWS-30
    711 months ago

    The only bit of good news is that young Republicans believe in climate change. Now I really wish they’d speak out more and start moving their party in that direction.

    The GOP needs to die and be replaced with a better conservative party. What the old GOP (circa Eisenhower or so) was is what conservative Democrats are now. At the very least, we need ranked choice voting and a third party who’ll take votes from the GOP by being similar in regard to most things EXCEPT action on climate change.

    I know that’s not ideal, but politics is about the art of the possible and choosing the least bad outcome. I’d rather have gun nuts / anti-abortion hounds / homophobes that care about the planet and perhaps support unions or something than what we have now. What we have now is people that are against everything good for the planet and its people.

      911 months ago

      What we really need is an actual left party, not another right leaning party. Democrats as you said are center-right. We need an actual Workers Party.

        711 months ago

        Democrats are not center-right, and comparisons to European political parties are not accurate. The US has a “first past the post” electoral system. US political parties are more like coalitions of smaller parties.

        The Democratics encompass all the left wing parties, except the Greens (who are essentially Russian agents at this point). The Republicans are the conservative coalition (immigration nuts, rich dudes, Nazis, people who have experienced a trauma and are taking their anger and fear out on the world, etc.).

        If you want to move the Democrats left, you need to get elected and raise money like AOC does. Sorry, shouting on the Fediverse doesn’t count.

          311 months ago

          What is this world salad? Democrats and Republicans may be equivalent to the political coalitions and federations of the EU but it is not a great solution that they try and represent so much. Both parties should be broken up and FPTP needs to be replaced with ranked choice. I’m not shouting on the fediverse, I’m joining a discussion already going on lmao

        • MisterMoo
          311 months ago

          Well said. Democrats are like the German SDP + Die Linke, while the Republicans are CDU+FDP+AfD.

        • qprimed
          711 months ago

          not sure why you think that. any ‘actually left’ person fully understands that Russia has devolved into a authoritarian oligarchy and would rail against it as ardently as they would against the current western capitalist oligarchy.

          I am not saying cooption could not happen, but there is ample reason to think this could be avoided. if not, then yes, we are all fucked - and deservedly so.

          • Ech
            211 months ago

            It’s not like they’d be openly Russian. Did you miss the last 8 years of American politics? It’s all astroturfed subterfuge.

            • qprimed
              311 months ago

              oh, absolutely. but, as you have pointed out, we have had 8 years of covert/overt interference. anyone who cares is going to be looking out for it more intently now.

              I may be overly optimistic, but surely the easily manipulated crazies have mostly migrated to the right, leaving the slightly less insane of us to figure out what to do next.

              like the recent UFO / UAP crap… who the hell is watching this circus side show distraction? no one I know. the distractions are wearing thin, especially as the world bakes.

              • Ech
                211 months ago

                The whole COVID shitshow has made it very clear to me that crazies exist everywhere, on every side. Thinking one side is “too smart” to be manipulated is a great way to overlook that very manipulation.

                • qprimed
                  211 months ago

                  “similar priorities” instead of “smart”?

                  the self sorting has been hard and fast over the last 10 years. my point is that hopefully the alligned groups who prioritize things as I do, are less likely to be peeled off and rendered ineffective. I really do think the bulk of self sorting has already defined hard lines in global society.