• Admiral PatrickOP
    95 days ago

    I guess the same reason we go to coffee shops instead of just making it at home. Plus, early on, they were still rationing replicator usage, but this is from season 5 after they mostly abandoned that. In this one, though, all but a few of the replicators are down because of the subspace sandbar they were stuck in.

    • DominusOfMegadeus
      45 days ago

      I know they were rationing the replicators, but that coffee came from somewhere, whether it’s the replicator in the galley, or the replicator in her quarters. I did not remember that they were broken in this episode.

      • Admiral PatrickOP
        45 days ago

        Early on, Neelix was making some things similar to coffee, and I guess they foraged it from a planet. One of those coffee-like concoctions was chunky / goopy. I think a couple of times later in the series they differentiate between “coffee” and “Neelix’s coffee” so I guess he got better at it or the crew developed a taste for it.

        • DominusOfMegadeus
          35 days ago

          It’s a good theory. But no way in hell this cold hearted murderer (Don’t judge, I love her for her ruthless pragmatism and badassitude) would drink anything but the real deal.