Ukrainian forces struck deeply into Russian-occupied territory between Robotyne and Verbove, Zaporizhzhia Oblast

The Ukrainian strategy using a war of attrition is increasingly paying of.


    111 months ago

    Should have just stayed on the defensive with the 5:1 kill count in their favor. By the time Russia got to Kiev, Russia would literally be out of men.

    • FreeBooteR69
      511 months ago

      The problem is war is expensive, and keeping the impetus going is hard politically, especially with how tough it is economically in the west for the average person. Especially in Canada where people are one paycheck away from living on the street. Homelessness is a real danger here now, not just something that happens to somebody else, it can happen to anyone at any time here. So the pressure is on for Ukraine to make a breakthrough. Slava Ukrani! Heroyam slava!

      • jrs100000
        11 months ago

        And elections coming up next year in the US. If the Russian stooge block in congress gets large enough it might become very difficult to continue supplying Ukrane, especially if it looks like they arnt making progress. If the presidency flips support might even start flowing the other way. Without full US pressure supporters like Germany and France are likely to go back to calling for negotiations, and the UK, Poland and Lithuania cant keep the Ukrainian army going on their own.