You are going away, to some place isolated… in space, of course. You will only be around one other person. You can take an allotment if 1GB of personal media with you (text, video, music, games, pics, etc.) that you will be able to access in your free time indefinitely at will.

The other person will also take 1GB with them, but you won’t be able to talk to them until you’re on the journey.

You will have access to any knowledge resources to perform your function and keep you alive. You will never return to a point where you can get new external media. Any additional media you ever access would have to be created by you and or your travel partner with what you have access to.

You will also not know the sex of your partner, but they have willingly taken the same risks to embark on the journey as yourself, and will have a similar mission.

  • u/lukmly013 💾 (
    5 months ago

    OK, it seems I can bring my current music library. I experimented with it a bit now, and I guess I could get used to 12kbps Opus or 12.65kbps AMR-WB (they sound comparable). It kinda sounds like off-tuned FM radio, not the much more awful artifacts of MP3 or AAC.

    Although… can I bring a cassette tape player? It’s analog, so tapes won’t fall under this limit. Then I could possibly digitize it. Similarly with movies on film. I don’t know what equipment I can take though. Movies on film, photos on paper, books on paper, music on tapes, hmmm… I guess that would be some games then. What counts under the media though? Just the games themselves, emulation software, entire OS?