I’ve been doing POSSE for a while now and it had helped me immensely by saving time and stress.

Basically every time I post something on a 3rd party site I store the content locally. Currently only in Obsidian and some locally cached videos and articles (TubeArchivist and Raindrop)

When I get dragged to the same argument or topic again, I can just grab my old comment, maybe edit/update it a bit and post it.

For some stuff I have longer blog posts I can link to, for some they are images and graphs.

  • John Colagioia
    212 days ago

    The Indie Web website up there actually has protocols to do most of what people do for social media, in exactly that structure. It’s enough of a pain to set up that I don’t see it becoming normal, but the amount that I’ve set up for my website at least works…