• @boyi
    419 days ago

    Whats the need to involve Fox News into this? We are dealing with science and technology matters. At least I expect something more academic in nature.

    Anyway, is this not good enough source for. you? SJR - International Science Ranking

    • Flying SquidM
      -219 days ago

      That would certainly be a better source, yes. There is absolutely no reason to ever trust a source that you already know isn’t trustworthy. On anything.

      However, that source does not really give a full picture.

      For example, who is citing who? Are the Chinese papers all just citing each other? If so, that would be a pretty poor measurement.

      • @boyi
        119 days ago

        Man… that’s based on Scopus index. Do you even know what you’re talking about.

        • Flying SquidM
          -519 days ago

          If you won’t answer my questions, please at least refuse to do so without violating our civility rule as listed in the sidebar.

          • @boyi
            319 days ago

            what exactly am I violating?

            • Flying SquidM
              -619 days ago

              “Do you even know what you’re talking about” was clearly a personal attack. You could have told me why I was wrong, but you decided to go call me ignorant instead.

              And I think it’s clear that you’d rather go off on this tangent than answer my questions, so I think we are done here.

              • @boyi
                19 days ago

                How can it be personal attacks. It is simple logic. I give you a simple example -> The research conducted in certain countries usually is based on industry needs of the country. In China, for example, the have demand in the technology of space exploration and High-speed rail. So you’ll see a lot of research being churned out speedily by a number of local researchers due to the immediate demand in the country. You’ve touched about ball bearing tech, for example, and this is an example of recent research article for that which could be beneficial in the HSR areas. When those people in the same country citing each other, we can’t simply claim they’re doing it as a matter of convenience. It could be an indicator that the subject itself is the top priority in the country.

                Another point to consider -> If the journal where the article have been written is in the Scopus index, there’s even low probability for the work to be of low value, no matter who has been citing them.

                Of course that the general idea, but there’s still room to debate.

                • Flying SquidM
                  -519 days ago

                  It’s a personal attack because you just went with “you’re ignorant” rather than explaining why what I said was incorrect.

                  Thank you for finally explaining.