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  • @Shikadi
    1011 months ago

    People don’t generally do that. If you’re referring to Hamilton, it was not a documentary or a biography. And historically white people did that all the time in plays/movies for entertainment, so why get all angry about it now that it’s not white people?

      111 months ago

      I mean, if we’re talking Hamilton it’s even further, being pretty clearly a commentary on the whole “founding fathers freeing everyone while most of them owning human beings they refused freedom to” thing.

      • @Shikadi
        111 months ago

        I brought up Hamilton because it’s particularly not a documentary

          511 months ago

          Actually reading that article you linked it doesn’t seem that debated and there isn’t really any evidence of her being black.

          • @Shikadi
            011 months ago

            You’re right, based on that article. It doesn’t matter, I’m just pointing out that it wasn’t just a random choice to make her black. I’d argue they should have made her Iranian to be more accurate, but the claim is that people are randomly just changing skin colors in documentaries all willy nilly and so far the only example is a weak one.

              211 months ago

              Yeah you’re right, it’s one of those small complaints that’s gonna always come from a small group of people. It’s just media; people get so nuts about this site like everything should always cater to them…

              Gets weaponised too I’ve seen people try to link this bullshit to “wokeism.” As if that’s the fucking problem with Hollywood.

    • Tb0n3
      -311 months ago

      Queen Cleopatra is a very recent example.

          11 months ago

          From the article you linked it seems that historians by and large agree she was of Greek descent with a bit of Persian ancestry, and a bunch of laypeople are heavily debating them on it.

          • @Shikadi
            111 months ago

            I didn’t say they were right, just that it was a bad example because they didn’t just do it out of the blue for no reason