The head of Telegram, Pavel Durov, has been charged by the French judiciary for allegedly allowing criminal activity on the messaging app but avoided jail with a €5m bail.

The Russian-born multi-billionaire, who has French citizenship, was granted release on condition that he report to a police station twice a week and remain in France, Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau said in a statement.

The charges against Durov include complicity in the spread of sexual images of children and a litany of other alleged violations on the messaging app.

His surprise arrest has put a spotlight on the criminal liability of Telegram, the popular app with around 1 billion users, and has sparked debate over free speech and government censorship.

  • sunzu2
    63 months ago

    Not to whatabout it but under this logic we got other "CEO"s who should see a similar treatment.

    Will they?

        03 months ago

        bootlicker much? would you also be excited if Russia arrests Proton CEO for dubious reasons or is your reasoning based on ideology and tribalism?

          • Dr. Shawn
            13 months ago

            @NegativeInf @scorp if your logic holds then why haven’t landline providers, Gmail, AOL, and ther companies come under the same scrutiny? The fact is all technology can and will be used outside of intended design.

              13 months ago

              Because they cooperate with authorities? Your phone line info, your email, your Facebook? It’s all a subpoena or search warrant away.

              Part of this arrest was due to management not cooperating with the government in the government trying to police dangerous content.