• @riccochet@lemmy.world
    121 year ago

    That there is absolutely nobody and nothing in this world that wants to do me harm or ruin my day. Stuff happens. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Nobody is out to get you, everyone has something more important to do.

    • Why could “getting you” not be a person’s most important to-do item? Would Putin not benefit greatly from getting Zelensky? Would the person up for a promotion not benefit from sabotaging their competition? Would a drug lord not benefit if his competition accidentally slipped and fell and died? There are so many instances in which a person would very logically (not to mention emotionally) benefit from targeting you personally - that’s basically the foundation of politics and resource distribution.

      • @docmark@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Nobody’s out to get you personally. They want your shit. Or they want you out of their way on their quest for more shit. Either giving them your shit or getting out of the way will cease you being a perceived threat towards them. In your examples the drug lord/person being promoted isn’t targeting their competition personally (as a person), just whomever happens to be the competition. If nobody steps up as a competitor, they have no reason to kill (except as a threat to chill would-be competitors out of the game).

        Outside of a few very niche cases of psychotic mental illness, nobody wants to kill. It’s so much effort even predators in the wild tend to leave each other alone in favor of prey that won’t fight back and maybe kill/injure them. It’s why black bears can be scared off and grizzlies/polar bears can’t. If you can prove yourself enough of a threat, the animal is going to fuck off to live another day.