• @eldavi@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      that dick catered with homophobes, racists, and big corporations throughout his entire career; he’s not reasonable, he’s an opportunist.

      i wish the young could see what ultimately crappy shit he’s done; but i guess this is the change that is needed.

      • BaroqueInMind
        121 year ago

        Please, sane rando on the internet, pray tell, what more intelligent things would you like to share without any context or citations of source?

        • @zombuey@lemmy.worldOP
          1 year ago

          The person your responding to is absolutely correct. For the majority of Biden’s career he was pretty despicable politician. He was one of the angry men yelling at the Anita Hill hearings. He famously lied about his credentials early on. For most of his career he has been owned by wall street. in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s he publicly had pretty hardcore racist and homophobic views. The Biden you see today is not the Biden most of America knows. He has never been a progressive ally.


          • Mewtwo
            811 months ago

            He _is_the progressive ally that we need now.

            It’s unfortunate he was not perfect in the past, but he’s changed and making amends. Why do Republicans have an issue with that?

            • @hark@lemmy.world
              -111 months ago

              Progressive ally? Biden was literally the candidate that the establishment put their full force behind (including having Obama make calls to have other candidates drop to back him) in order to defeat Bernie in 2020. Biden himself said “nothing would fundamentally change”. A couple bones thrown here or there doesn’t change that. I don’t know if democrats are astroturfing here of all places or people are just deluding themselves into thinking he’s doing more than he actually is, but he’s really not.

            • @eldavi@lemmy.world
              -211 months ago

              not only was he not perfect in the past; but he still stand by his wrong decisions to this day.

            • @eldavi@lemmy.world
              011 months ago

              he’s an opportunist and knows that trump is unpopular outside his base; he’s not the best available option, he’s the ONLY viable option.

          • @SCB@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            They’re not correct at all lol

            Biden has never been a racist. People try to call him racist over a crime bill half-written by black congressional leaders and loudly asked for by the black community.

            Biden has literally always been a stand up guy

            Calling out his busing stance as wrong when it was prescient and he was 100% correct about a generation of black educators losing their jobs is… An interesting take, to say the least.

            Maybe don’t get your news from rags

            • @Shikadi
              11 months ago

              Did you not see his response in the primary debates when kamala called out his segregation policies? Rather than admit that it was the wrong decision, he defended it and used the times as an excuse. Just look at his voting record, he’s been very conservative over his career. It doesn’t matter though, people change, and actions speak louder than words. He’s doing good stuff as president and that’s what matters right now.

              Edit: spelled Kamala wrong and I’m embarrassed

                • @Shikadi
                  111 months ago

                  Yup that’s embarrassing

              • @SCB@lemmy.world
                311 months ago

                Perhaps rather than an abrupt about-face at 80 years old, you’re simply incorrect about Biden’s “history.”

                He was right about schools. We lost a generation of black educators due to the way desegregation was handled nationwide. Biden accurately commented on this. We could have done better, which is literally what he was arguing for.

                I actually learned of this fact tangentially, through an old episode of Revisionist History. His campaign ignored it because it’s safer to ignore than to trust people to understand nuance. Sound campaign move, but plays to a lie, fundamentally.

                • @Shikadi
                  411 months ago

                  Well hey that’s interesting, I’ll have to go read about that. Thanks!

            • @eldavi@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              you’re splitting hairs and you’re being disingenuous by ignoring all the other bad shit he’s done. off the top of my head his stances against gay marriage, against gays in the military and permanent-for-life student debt are enough to brand him an ass hat and the fact that he still stands by those decisions proves that he’s not worthy of your vote.

              you should educate yourself

        • @eldavi@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          i hope you’re young because being ignorant of his very public stances against gay marriage; against gays in the military; pro-segregation and non-dischargeable student loan debt is the only way you can be excused from knowning and a 30 second google search will confirm that he still stands by those decisions. educate yourself.

      • @Shikadi
        11 months ago

        While I agree with you, at least he’s behaving reasonably now. I don’t like all his decisions but I do like that many of the decisions are being delegated as they should be, and would re elect him against either of the two R frontrunners in a heartbeat. That’s not high praise, but I do think his administration is doing much better than I thought it would

        Edit: I’m surprised at the number of downvotes on the parent comment, they’re not exactly wrong.

        • @eldavi@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          for me: the permanent damage he’s done to my life was committed back in the 90’s/00’s and i would forgive him, but he still very publicly stands by his decisions against gay marriage, against gays in the military, pro-segregation and non-dischargeable student loan debt.

          • @Shikadi
            211 months ago

            You don’t have to like or support him to acknowledge what the government is doing. Hell, I can even acknowledge that Trump made a few good decisions.

              • @Shikadi
                211 months ago

                I also hate Trump, significantly more than I hate Biden

                • @eldavi@lemmy.world
                  111 months ago

                  i hate them both at the same level. trump because he’s a racist ass hat and biden because he permanently fucked up my life.

                  • @Shikadi
                    211 months ago

                    I guess I never asked, what exactly did he do that ruined your life? Hard to imagine something to put him on an equal level with the guy who filled the court which lead to the overturning of roe v Wade and the protection of businesses to allow discrimination and to end affirmative action.

        • @eldavi@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          People change over time

          “people change” is a seemingly reasonable cover for that doesn’t work for him because he staunchly stands by his wrong decisions for decades until it’s politically convenient for him to “change” despite it impacting his own life and he’s done it for every single one of his decisions and only “changes” once there’s no political back lash.

          in ten years time (assuming he’s still alive) he’s going to back pedal on permanent student loan debt once an overwhelming majority of voters make it a core issue.