In this paper the author highlights how both engineers and social scientists misinterpret the relationship between technology and society. In particular he attacks the narrative, widespread among engineers, that technological artifacts, such as software, have no political properties in themselves and that function or efficiency are the only drivers of technological design and implementation.

    • @ssm
      46 months ago

      Luke Smith is a self-proclaimed neo-reactionary.

          • wuphysics87
            16 months ago

            And what? I said the thing. Credit where credit is due he makes solid educational content outside of his “memes” and the swastika that was in his dot files.

            • anti-idpol action
              16 months ago

              press x to doubt.

              he nevertheless seems more inclined towards anarchoindividualism or anprim. he has also discussed Graeber with great reverence. He does not spout identitarian bullshit left and right and is absolutely opposed to one of fascism’s fundamental values, that is the productivist cult of work. his contempt for cities is not grounded in some abstract nostalgia for a pure Aryan lifestyle, but individual interest and freedom. and fascism is a collectivist ideology.