I would for vote Kamala. I would vote for a cactus with sunglasses if it had the Democratic nomination. You would do yourself well to consider anything that is weaking the resolve of the anti-trump sentiment straight poison to your brain. We have only one job this novemeber and that is to stop trump. The Supreme Court has given him the status of king. Quit acting like your vote is sacred and start realizing your vote is your final cry before your rights are forfeited.

  • Schadrach
    2 months ago

    and the other makes any criticism whatsoever of Israel legally antisemitic hate speech which again is largely going to affect leftist orgs but will also allow the board of education to strip funding and accreditation from colleges that allow pro-Palestinian protests.

    Reading this bil…

    This is the definition of antisemitism the bill adopts:

    Since the bill applies this definition to title VI, it would apply to any organization receiving federal funds subject to title VI.

    Doesn’t count all criticism of Israel, you just can’t question it’s right to self determination, the validity or potential racism of a Jewish ethnostate, or levy any criticism that wouldn’t be leveled at literally any other nation in the same scenario. You also probably couldn’t speak Ill of AIPAC since that could be deemed demonizing Jews as collective.

    Can’t strip college accreditation, could strip federal funding - basically they’d be stuck operating under the same kind of restraints a college that doesn’t want to follow title IX does.

    I find it deeply amusing though that most of the people upset about this one would have been strongly in support of it prior to 10/7/23 as a move to fight white supremacy and neo-Nazis. If it was passed back then and been turned on students now it would have been a real “be careful what you wish for” moment.

    • Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.

      How many other countries have situations that match the Israel/Palestinian conflict?

      The state of Israel doesn’t get to hide behind antisemitism. It is a system of governance, not a person, not a race, not a religion. It cannot be offended.

      -12 months ago

      You can totally criticize Israel, just not for anything they do, say, or stand for.

      So glad I can say the shape of their country looks silly #freedom

      Really would have saved us all some time if you just said you were another right wing Zionist who wants to stamp out anything left of midright Biden.