So, Telegram has launched horrible ads that look a lot like spam to me. At least in my channels it’s typically some crypto bullshit. So, I wonder if people know about alternatives to the subscription service for blocking them? Sadly, Forkgram won’t offer that option and it doesn’t seem to be allowed. However, I wonder if there are still forks out there which block the ads? Or do people know of alternative options?

  • TimberOP
    33 months ago

    I use telegram mainly for info channels and tickers. To my knowledge that’s not possible in Signal, because you can’t restrict participants to be read-only (right?)

      53 months ago

      I saw people using signal for announcements only by restricting posting messages to group chat admins. Is that similar to what you’re looking for?

      • TimberOP
        23 months ago

        Ah nice, I didn’t know that was possible

      13 months ago

      You can do that, but Simplex has a limit on the amount of users in a group due to encryption. There is no point in using an e2ee messenger for public announcements

      • TimberOP
        13 months ago

        True! But then Simplex / Signal are no real alternatives to Telegram, are they?