Thank fuck. This man can go down in history as the savior of the Republic if he fucks off and endorses someone else.

    03 months ago

    I think pushing the first black VP aside could go more poorly than people expect. Whether or not we like Harris (I don’t), shes been a loyal VP this whole time and I can’t imagine she’s going to like having her only shot at the big chair taken away from her. I think keeping Harris as VP no matter what is the best path forward. You keep some continuity, you don’t really piss off any voters, and you keep everyone unified. A unified front is the only possible way any of this will work. If everyone fractures and infights until November we’re still fucked.

    • Optional
      63 months ago

      Disagree. She’s not Obama, or even Hillary, or . . . Well the list of people she’s not is (Everyone) - 1, but still.

      If this is a thing, and they want to avoid a fight, and they recognize Harris isn’t going to do it, then they will go very far to ensuring Harris is on board with - whatever. Cushy corporate gig, committee assignments, cabinet post, whatever she wants.

      We think of VPs as automatic Presidents when there’s no President but that’s not what’s (very theoretically) happening. She has no more particular claim to it than anyone. Saying she does is just not right.

        23 months ago

        If this is a thing, and they want to avoid a fight, and they recognize Harris isn’t going to do it, then they will go very far to ensuring Harris is on board with - whatever. Cushy corporate gig, committee assignments, cabinet post, whatever she wants.

        Totally works for me. But her cooperation is going to be absolutely crucial. I don’t think she has any claim to the position, but she sure as hell may think she does, that’s all.