It’s all fine and good for John Kerry to utter a fundamental truth about a major driver of climate catastrophe, but it is a useless proclamation without offering a solution.

Have enough tipping points been breached that there are no prescriptions to offer?

  • Breaker
    -51 year ago

    Lmao, if you alarmists were right, the planet would already be dead, and Planet wouldn’t be able to sustain any life. That’s the bottom line.

    I’ve been alive long enough to remember that you’ve changed the name and cause of your alarmism 3 different times, and said that the world was going to end 3 different times since I was little, and you’ve been wrong all 3 now… 4 times. 😂🤣 There is NO science to what you do. Nothing. I’m older than most if not all of you in this thread. So don’t argue. Stop lying to the world. Cause We’re all laughing at you.

    • Avogadro JonesOPM
      41 year ago

      How delightfully and intellectually astute of you to play the age card. I am cowed to submission by your ancient prowess.