• @pyre@lemmy.world
    538 days ago

    most important thing is that he can still use his arm to sign legislation. that’s all you need him for. the actual deal is the cabinet. that’s what you’re voting for.

    too bad most people don’t think about that, and fuck the dnc for putting the country in this situation.

    • @Tryptaminev@lemm.ee
      -27 days ago

      This is a terrible sentiment. You need a team and you need someone to lead that team. Having the leader just be a puppet is terrible.

      You’ll get a dysfunctional cabinet this way, you will get grifting, taking advantage of the puppet showing his face to bad ideas and you will get foreign influence prying on the weak puppet president.

      And even if the president is not a puppet and “only weak”. We have a government falling apart and in deadlock because of our chancellor being a weak leader in Germany. The only thing holding them together at this point is the fear of them losing power sooner in an early election. All it does is give even further rise to the fascists.

      You need a competent leader at the head of the cabinet. And that starts with her or him having their mental capacity.

      • @VoterFrog@lemmy.world
        16 days ago

        Biden has been president for almost 4 years and we haven’t seen any of those things. That’s how I know all this FUD is overblown. The things you are describing were rampant under Trump, not Biden.

      • @pyre@lemmy.world
        7 days ago

        oh you’re right. voting for biden may give rise to fascists… so we should let the actual fascists win instead. how have i never thought of this before‽

        • @Tryptaminev@lemm.ee
          -47 days ago

          You let the Democrats gaslighting work on you. Since half a year they make us think, that the only two options are Trump and Biden, when in fact they could have allowed for proper primaries. They could have worked to prop up other candidates as viable alternatives. But they wanted the puppet they can control.

          It is not too late to acknowledge Biden to be unfit and put up a different candidate. I have been advocating for this here since months. But instead of acknowledging that there is more real options, the DNC propaganda worked and works hard to limit our thinking to “its either one of them, no looking past the fishbowl”.

          Biden was never voted because he was Biden. He was voted because he wasn’t Trump. Any halfway decent candidate that does not shares Bidens dogmatic support for genocide in Gaza and abusing immigrants can fill this role a hundred times better. Any such candidate could win the election in a landslide.

          Pull the emergency brake on the Biden train. The Biden train is going into the abyss.

                • @Tryptaminev@lemm.ee
                  06 days ago

                  Then you vote third party and take the fight to the streets because you do not accept two genocidal mass murderers as legitimate options

                  • @pyre@lemmy.world
                    16 days ago

                    yeah in the current system that’s a vote for TFG, anyone who says otherwise is either the biggest idiot who knows nothing about the electoral system in the US or a grifter.