• @dogsoahC@lemm.ee
    318 days ago

    Can’t tell whether it’s cemtrist BS or satire. And if it’s sature, whether it’s just pride, or also communist (because it really reminds me of that fraternal kiss graffiti of Brezhnev and Honecker on the Berlin Wall).

      • @dogsoahC@lemm.ee
        518 days ago

        The fraternal kiss was literally a way for communists to recognize each other, and the Eastern Block used it as a formal greeting.

      • u/unhappy_grapefruit_2
        -418 days ago

        I’m sure you do know who owns this exact truck pal. and I met Martin Luther king,Steven hawking, and Marilyn Monroe all on the same day! I also got my dick sucked at ram ranch wouldn’t you know. And I went out of orbit and into space.and got anally probed by aliens (they gave me a lollipop so its a fair deal) All this one day

    • u/unhappy_grapefruit_2
      18 days ago

      Being a “cemtrist” isn’t “bs” M8 I think being a fence sitter is as valid as any other political opinion or statement M8. Sometimes it’s best to not pick a side. I’m a fifthy fence sitter myself. I personally am a non interventionist. I don’t think we should send our young men to die in foreign conflict that has nothing to do with us. Although I’m up for private charities or private companies sending aid.