I have thought about this on and off for quite a few years now, and I was just wondering what people here have done while maintaining account / device security.

I hope people don’t mind this rather morbid conversation, but how have people here planned for what will happen with their accounts, computers, self hosted things etc. in the event of their deaths? I am particularly interested in what people have planned for if they are the person in their household who is self hosting things for the household. I’m not in a living situation that allows me to self host much but it is one of the questions I’ve had for myself when I decide to move in with my significant other and self host more things. I don’t think they could manage much of the self hosted stuff and I also don’t think they can remember all of the credentials for accounts etc., is the best way of going about it sharing a keepass database or bitwarden account with them?

In regards to my accounts, I am not expecting most of my accounts to transfer, if anything I’d much rather them be deleted (and I have enabled this feature where possible). There are a few however, that I wouldn’t mind leaving to someone after my passing. Is there a privacy and security preserving way of setting this up?

I guess I have just been struggling with how to do this, ideally I would want a way for accounts to transfer to someone listed in my will, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to give ~2-3 people a copy of my keepass databse while I am still living.

I am looking forward to hearing what people’s thoughts are on this matter, and I apologize again for such a morbid topic.

  • Dr. Wesker
    10 months ago

    I use Bitwarden with a handful of family members. You can share vault entries. I’ve shared the ones that are important (utilities, services) but not the ones that are critical (financials, security). The access to the critical stuff is encrypted and on 3 pieces of cold storage, that gets verified/validated every year. Family knows how to access it.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention, for the critical items they also need my yubikey to gain access. So they can’t just remotely drain my accounts, they’d need to over my dead body.