My disabled friend just needs to make like $20 a day to afford what she needs.

I know there are a ton of like “fill out surveys to ear money” “play games to earn money” “Do this little task” but all the ones I’ve found give like… $1 an hour.

I know fiverr is an option, but I dunno if that is consistent enough when she needs to get moving.

Any websites that would let her sidegig when she feels up to it and isn’t trash pay?

    427 days ago

    All income is required to be reported and taxed.

    If you are below a certain threshold annually you will get that tax refunded.

      227 days ago

      I believe you typically get the money withheld, and if when you file are determined not to have any tax liability, you get a refund between what you paid and what you owe. That’s just like anyone else, but that second number happens to be zero. I swear there’s an option in a W4 that you had/expect to have your tax liability be zero as well, but of course if you turn out to be wrong you’re in for a world of hurt