It’s the gift that keeps on giving.

  • @jawa21
    4225 days ago

    This game desperately needs and deserves a full Neverwinter Nights style toolkit. I hope we get there one day.

    • DarkThoughts
      925 days ago

      I think they said a while ago that it won’t be getting that unfortunately. It’s a shame because the engine really would be perfect for full blown custom campaigns and whatnot, or even non linear open world modules.

        325 days ago

        I always suspected it’s not because they won’t, but they can’t due to the licensing issues.

        In the end Larian is a subcontractor of Hasbro, who’s preparing their own ‘virtual tabletop’ for a while now.

        • DarkThoughts
          725 days ago

          Possible. DnD as a whole is kinda held back majorly by all the licensing bullshit imo. Hasbro is missing out a lot due to their tight grip on it. Same with Magic.

          125 days ago

          In the end Larian is a subcontractor of Hasbro

          That’s not at all how it works, no. They have a licensing deal with Hasbro to be allowed to make a game with Hasbro’s IP. Hasbro didn’t hire them to make the game.

          who’s preparing their own ‘virtual tabletop’ for a while now.

          D&D Beyond is not a video game. It’s not even a toolset for a video game. There’s no clash there.

          I always suspected it’s not because they won’t, but they can’t due to the licensing issues

          This is probably still true, though: according to the release, you won’t be allowed to publish NSFW mods made in the toolset (because apparently that’s legally too close to Larian making D&D porn) even though you’ll still be allowed to do so NOT using the toolset like people have been doing for months.

          I’m guessing that not letting people make or change maps and quests is either the same thing or simply just a much bigger undertaking to make a toolset capable of right now 🤷