Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency urges affected users to update ASAP.

    • BrikoXOP
      4726 days ago
      1. Welcome to Lemmy. Link-aggregation is the point of the software…
      2. I also made 1.6K comments. If you want to accuse me of being an active user, I can agree with that, but nothing I post is automated or scripted.

      I share what I find interesting from my RSS feed. If you have an issue with what I post, you can take advantage of another Lemmy feature, called blocking. Go back to my profile and click Block.

        3926 days ago

        I share what I find interesting from my RSS feed.

        Thank you for doing that. Human-curated links shared here is exactly what we need.

        To the complainer: People upvoting and downvoting posts will be the arbiter, not someone whining like a 14yo.

          026 days ago

          Not even. I don’t see downvotes, and it’s the quality of the post or comment that arbitrates things.

        • NoIWontPickAName
          2126 days ago

          You seem to be in the minority here.

          At this point you can look back on yourself and ask why so many people disagree with you, or you can double down, your choice.

        • borari
          1926 days ago

          You’ve only been on here longer by a single month bro. I’ve been on here longer than you ffs. This is not a flex, you need to just stop my dude.

            • m-p{3}
              1226 days ago

              If you don’t like someone, you can curate your own feed by blocking them, and you’ve been only on the fediverse for a year. My OG account is 5 years old, and what OP is doing is exactly what we need to keep the platform alive.

                  826 days ago

                  we need high value content that is worth reading, not just copy of someone’s rss feed. what he is doing is exactly what drives lot of people away.

                  So stop complaining and start producing some “high value content that is worth reading” or just return under your rock until you get a life.

            • borari
              26 days ago

              My dude, I am positive. My cake day: June 8 2023. Your cake day: June 12, 2023. Do you not realize that people can have multiple accounts? Dick measuring and attempts at gate keeping based on time on a platform is super cringe.

              I created the community you’re posting in right now. You should probably get off the internet and chill bro. You woke up and made the choice to behave this way, and it’s pretty fucking embarrassing tbh.

    • @thisbenzingring
      1526 days ago

      I notice half of lemmy matches up with my rss reader on most days. 1. The op used what ars posted, which is the proper way to do it IMO

      You could block them but instead you choose to attach. Why?

      1. If you don’t want to see it, block them. STFU with your bot accusations. It’s weak sauce. So what, they like to participate in the fedeverse by posting topics. I appreciate the content even though I see most of it first someplace else.

      I can’t chat it up there with lemmy people unless I find it here.