Repaired some broken solder joints, sanded out the biggest scuffs and polished most of the scratches out of the screen. Oh yeah, and the paint job.

    36 months ago

    It looks great! 🙂

    OMG I just came home with a Sanyo DS13320 from the side of the road and I am ECSTATIC!!! It couldn’t be more perfect for an NES, and it looks in great condition externally.

    I haven’t plugged it in yet. It doesn’t appear to be wet anywhere outside or inside, so hopefully it was put outside after it rained this morning.

    Should I do or check anything before plugging it in and trying to power it on?

    • Nik282000OP
      36 months ago


      If it looks like it’s never been wet plug it into a power bar so you can flip it off if anything goes ‘wrong’. If you aren’t sure it’s totally dry a day in a warm room wont hurt it (I left mine in the garage for a week but mostly out of apathy).