Results Individuals who underwent gender-affirming surgery had a 12.12-fold higher suicide attempt risk than those who did not

    1 month ago

    Lack of self-affirming care does not do any good in the end, it leads people to take matters into their own hands, often at the risk of their own safety.

    The problem isn’t the gender-affirming surgery, it’s whether we provide them with a support system and the ability to be themselves regardless of who that is, even if it doesn’t fit your cookie-cutter mold of who they should be.

    Gender is fluid, as are all forms of self-identity. Rather than outright deny access to gender affirming surgery we need to augment it holistically with other forms of care as well.

    But this country can’t even get its shit together with basic healthcare or mental wellbeing because “MuH TaXeS” so we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.