• @Sanctus@lemmy.world
    111 month ago

    I was so distraught and in denial about Bernie not getting the nomination that I wrote him in. Sorry I think I helped Trump by doing that.

    • @PugJesus@lemmy.world
      71 month ago

      Nah, man, I don’t think any of us really were expecting the result we got. I protest voted for fuckin’ Johnson of all people in the 2016 General because I was certain that my vote wouldn’t mean jack. I mean, I was in a safe blue state, so it didn’t, but God, the feeling in my gut watching the results come in, knowing that my fellow American citizens were fucking vile enough to elect Donald fucking Trump, and that I hadn’t even cast a vote in (meaningful) opposition? To at least add a little more voice to the ridiculousness that was the electoral college overriding the vote of the people? It hit hard.

      • @AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        Except we never elected him. The EC did. He lost the popular vote by several million votes with relatively low turnout, despite damn near record turnout.

    • leadore
      31 month ago

      Sadly, that’s true if you were in a swing state. A lot of people didn’t like HRC and didn’t think trump could win or cared if he won, so they didn’t vote for HRC and we got trump. I’m worried the same thing will happen again in 2024. Please people please, don’t let it happen again. Vote for Biden whether you like him or not and we go forward from there.

      Vote for the person you want in the primaries, then vote for the party you want in the general. Whether you like it or not, there are only two choices, R or D.

      Remember, this is not just about who is POTUS-- it’s about which people will be appointed to run all our government agencies, which people will be appointed to the Supreme Court and the Federal courts. That directly affects our lives. trump put 3 more right wing extremists on SCOTUS, and now it’s 6 to 3 maga over progressive. If Hillary had been elected we would have a progressive majority instead.

    • @Wogi@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Was your district one vote away from voting for Hilary?

      If not, then your single vote did not have a measurable impact.

      It took thousands of people, in a handful of very specific districts, swinging to Trump. He didn’t even win the popular vote, he never has, and likely won’t win it again.