I’m doing a blend of Kona from a local store and whole food Kenya. It’s a 70/30 of Kenya to Kona and taste great. The Kona alone I got taste and looks like really dark soil after a brew, so I picked a lite roast to see how it would go and I’m happy.

I haven’t had too many Kenya coffees, but if you have a whole foods nearby this one tastes good to me.

Single Origin Kenya

  • @sqw
    41 month ago

    sorry to say i never came across a kona worth its price

    • I lived on the big island and my boss owned a coffee farm in Kona. He brought us a couple bags on roasting day. Still the best coffee I’ve had by miles and miles.

    • It used to be $6.99 a pound ten years ago. That was wonderful. While it’s still my favorite light roast, it’s expense means I drink it maybe once a year when I get a bag as a gift or a treat for myself.

    • @CCMan1701A@startrek.websiteOP
      11 month ago

      Yeah, I’m not sure I want to get another bag for a while. It tastes like I’m drinking burnt dirt runoff lol I think my garden likes it however. It’s fine, I’m mixing it in and making something that tastes good.

      • @Broken_Monitor@lemmy.world
        116 days ago

        I was just gifted a bag of Domain Kona and thought it was excellent. Admittedly I’m new to better coffee so my palette may not be as refined as other people’s, but I haven’t had anything better yet. This stuff is very pricey so I’m searching for some middle ground, but I would treat myself to this again.

        • @CCMan1701A@startrek.websiteOP
          216 days ago

          Nice. Yeah Kona is nice once a year. Lol too pricey to be all the time. I’m exploring the beans available at my local food stores for now after trying a few other mail order options.