The predominantly ludicrous lawmaker from Georgia did Biden a solid this weekend, telling Republicans the Democratic president is fiendishly attempting to make people’s lives better.

      1111 months ago

      Self help author that rose to prominence on Oprah as a “spiritual advisor”, she should be viewed the same as Dr Phil, Dr Oz, and Rachel Ray

      • Refurbished Refurbisher
        11 months ago

        And? How does this make her a grifter? How does this make her like Donald Trump? How does this mean that she scams people like Dr Phil, Dr Oz, etc.?

        I vote for people because of the policies they believe, and I think that she actually believes them, and has for a long time.

        Other than Cornell West, who is running as a third party, I think Williamson is the best candidate on the ballot so far.

        And I say this as a non-spiritual athiest.

                  211 months ago

                  It’s not a straw man because his central claim is that all self-help gurus are inherently grifters.

                  • Refurbished Refurbisher
                    011 months ago

                    The straw man was him/her claiming that I must like Andrew Tate or Jordan Peterson (two people who I am not a fan of) because I like Marianne Williamson.

                    Being a self-help whatever doesn’t mean that you are automatically a grifter, it just means that you write self-help shit.

          • Refurbished Refurbisher
            11 months ago
            1. I watched all of them

            2. You’re not being very specific in your criticisms. What exactly did she say that makes you think she’s a “nut”? I only care about policy when it comes to voting for someone, so if it isn’t policy related, I very likely don’t care.