• @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    55 months ago

    I mean Hamas got into power in Gaza by winning a plurality of the votes and then permanently “suspended elections” after that. And they talk a lot about past humiliations and wanting to restore the ethnic makeup of the region to the way it was in history books by ethnically cleansing Jews.

    Whatever you might feel about Israel, Hamas covers pretty much every square on the fascist bingo card.

    • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
      75 months ago

      That’s just a variant of the “We invaded Iraq to free them from the murderous dictator Saddam Hussein” argument of Republicans which sounds great until you notice that the 1.2 million deaths caused by the American invasion (around 140 thousand directly killed) massivelly dwarf the total of deaths caused by Saddam in his entire time in power.

      Giving them the “peace of the grave” isn’t quite the “good deed” that one might thinking if fixated on the word peace.

      Then there’s of course the small detail that Israel itself was subsidizing Hamas (curiously, just like the US was doing for Saddam originally) so the whole idea that what they’re doing now is really helping Palestinians, beggars belief.

      After Iraq, that line of “argument” is beyond the “fool me once shame on you” stage and well into “fool me twice shame on me”.

      • @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
        -55 months ago

        Yeah and there’s also the “peace for our time” argument of Neville Chamberlain. How did that go?

        Israel is not engaged in a war to secure oil supply like the US was in Iraq, you know damn well the reason why this war started and it’s not at all the same thing.

        Then there’s of course the small detail that Israel itself was subsidizing Hamas

        So are you arguing against Israel making a ceasefire deal? Seems you’re on Bibi’s side about not wanting to make any kind of deal with Hamas.

        After Iraq, that line of “argument” is beyond the “fool me once shame on you” stage and well into “fool me twice shame on me”.

        After Neville Chamberlain’s attempt to appease fascists, I think that’s the “fool me twice” kind of thing. You admit to knowing that Israel has made deals with Hamas in the past to appease them, so you’re just making more arguments against never negotiating with them ever again. Are you sure you’re not a Netanyahu supporter?

        • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          That’s a hilarious use of the Chamberlain example given that the large strong nation invading their neighbours and killing massive numbers of civilians is Israel, same as Germany was doing back them, and Israeli politicians, just like the Nazis, keep on spouting some of the most rabidly racist Fascist stuff (including such beauties as “human animals”, “final solution” and even sugesting the nuking of Gaza) since … well … the Nazis.

          Appeasing Israel - the actual large nation occupying their neighbours and mass murdering civilians along etnic lines - would be the closest to what Neville Chamberlain did, but not even Chamberlain actually sent the large aggressor occupier nation Genociding people along etnic lines of his day free military support to accelerate their Genocide, so History from now on will look at Chamberlain with a far less critical view thanks to the present day examples of ultra-racist Fascist Genocide support from the likes of Joe Biden and Olaf Scholz.

          • @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
            -35 months ago

            Hamas is a fascist group that gained power with a plurality of the votes and never had an election after that. Their goal is to restore the ethnic makeup of the region to how it was in the history books. They make propaganda centered around past humiliations in war and promote the need for strongmen to make things right. They are misogynistic and homophobic. Promoting ethnic cleansing has always been a central policy for them, and on October 7 they moved up to genocide.

            Sorry, but Hamas wins the prize for organizations most like the Nazis. And like the Nazis they are currently having their ass handed to them by a democracy.

            Look at the photos of German cities at the end of WWII. Which city in the world currently looks like those photos?

            Fascism is a self-destructive thing. The same way that the hatred of the Nazis brought about the destruction of Germany, The hatred of Hamas has destroyed Gaza. The German people turned away from the politics of hatred following WWII and that’s worked out really well for them. Sadly I’m not sure the same will happen for the Palestinian people because there are people far removed from Gaza that continue to promote hatred and refuse to acknowledge the evil of Hamas. The suffering of the Palestinian people won’t end until they can overcome their hatred.

            • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
              5 months ago

              Oh man, that’s hilarious.

              “Israel razed up the version of the Warsaw Ghetto called Gaza which they themselves created for the etnicity of a neighbouring country, so now it looks like a post-war bombed out German city hence Hamas are more like the Nazis”

              It’s like claiming that everybody who breathes is like the Nazis because Nazis breathed.

              It’s pretty desperate to go look for stuff that Hamas didn’t actually do but was instead done to not even Hamas but Palestinians, by a completely different force who chose to do it, to claim that because it “looks like German cities at the end of WWII” hence Hamas are the ones more like the Nazis.

              Guess what: the guys murdering tens of thousands of children who they call “human animals” along with the rest of an entire people, and who desire a “final solution” are the Zionists, not Hamas, and even if Hamas turn out to be Fascists and would be as bad as the Nazis if they had the chance, we don’t know that for sure whilst we do know with absolute certainty that Zionists are ultra-racist etno-nationalist Fascists just like the Nazis who are right know of their own choice purposefully murdering civilians just like the Nazis did.

              Hamas isn’t even close to the level and kind of ultra-racists supremacist mass murder of civilians being commited by the Zionists along with the most racist dehumanizing excuses since the Nazis. The only in terms of Nazi-like actions and discourse anywhere close to Zionists are the actual Nazis, and even the Nazis didn’t purposefully target and murder children and journalists as much as Zionists.

              In the Nazi scale, even when seen in the worst possible light Hamas are weak wannabes compared to Zionists.

      • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
        35 months ago

        I’m pretty sure that had it been already fashionable back then for the powerful to use the word, the Résistance Française would’ve been called “terrorists” by the Nazis in occupied France.

    • @LazyPhilosopher@lemmy.world
      55 months ago

      I don’t like Hamas either also never mentioned them.

      Just concerned with the fascist state next door that’s committing a genocide and the American government’s support of them in that genocide.

      • @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
        -55 months ago

        Israel is a democracy. It’s common for fascists to discredit democracy.

        What are the signs you’d look for that would indicate that you’re in a fascist movement?

    • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
      25 months ago

      Those elections were for the West Bank too. They decided to stop holding elections because Israel blocked them from taking their place. At that point, why have elections?

      • @SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
        25 months ago

        There are local elections in the West Bank. There aren’t national elections because holding a national election in the West Bank only would be an admission that Gaza is a separate territory from the West Bank, so there would no longer be just one Palestine.

        • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Well yeah, because West Bank is still controlled by the party Hamas beat in elections. The party that was beat because they’re an Israeli puppet.