Good price.

    • Rikudou_Sage
      2629 days ago

      Isn’t any math operation involving NaNs also a NaN? At least that’s my gut feeling.

    • tiredofsametab
      729 days ago

      In JS, it’s just NaN if my browser’s console is to be believed. I suspected it would probably be {object} for no clear reason

      • nickwitha_k (he/him)
        729 days ago

        for no clear reason

        JS That’s the reason. The language has an awful type system.

        • Victor
          228 days ago

          I think its type system is “okay”, I mean inherently dynamic typing is pretty error-prone. But its type coercion algorithms are bonkers. Also that whole “NaN ≠ NaN” business…

          • nickwitha_k (he/him)
            228 days ago

            Also that whole “NaN ≠ NaN” business…

            See that’s one of the parts that is actually almost in line with other languages. In Go, for example, nilnil because nil is, by definition, undefined. You can’t say whether one thing that you know nothing about is at all like something else that you know nothing about. It really should raise an exception at the attempt to compare NaN though.

            • Victor
              128 days ago

              If nil ≠ nil, how do you compare a variable to the literal?

              • nickwitha_k (he/him)
                128 days ago

                You’d first check for nil values, then compare like normal. Extra step, yes, but it keeps you from hitting NPEs through that route.

                • Victor
                  128 days ago

                  You’d first check for nil values

                  What does this mean, if not the same as

                  then compare like normal


                  • nickwitha_k (he/him)
                    128 days ago

                    IIRC, a nil value can be checked against a literal successfully but not against another nil value. Say you want to check for equality of two vars that could be nil. You just need an extra if statement to ensure that you are not trying to compare nil and nil or nil and a non-nil value (that’ll give you a type error or NPE):

                    var a *string
                    var b *string
                    if a != nil && b != nil {
                      if a == b {
                      } else {
                        fmt.Println("Also Party!")