Horrible voter outreach.

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.world
    222 months ago

    I fed it an email address of “freegaza@gmail.com” to see what the poll questions were… this one is telling:

    Anyone catch what’s missing?

    “The economy”?


    “Wars in Gaza or Ukraine”?

    Whoever put this together has fucked up priorities.

    • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      132 months ago

      They’re not real polls I used to give a lot to Dems, so I still get a shit of spam from them.

      One time it actually just looked like a legit poll they wanted his likely voters to take…

      It was three bullshit questions, and one of them was how bad trump is. Then it took me to a donation page with $100 default and a big countdown clock. I wanted to see what would happen so I waited the two minutes. The countdown started again, it was a loop.

      No way to submit survey unless you donated too. So even if they cared about results it was only if you gave and likely to be rated by how much you gave.

      Both parties are obsessed with donations because that’s a nice lifestyle when your job is getting the donations. And that’s all it takes these days to get senior leadership positions in the DNC or Biden campaign, just bring in as much money possible.

      That means more of this bullshit, that probably turns off more potential donors than anything.

      • Maeve
        12 months ago

        It’s why I also stopped signing online petitions, relentless spam asking for donations. Uhh, I’m pretty sure I could better use the donations, say for healthcare, glasses instead of Dollar Tree Readers, a cavity and tooth cleaning, actually healthy food again, a proper vet exam for my fur baby instead of skipping X-rays he needed…

        • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
          32 months ago

          Which is why the DNC doesn’t care about you.

          They made donations their priority over votes a long time ago.

          If votes were the important part, they’d have to interact with regular voters. Their lives are way better if they spent that time at huge 100k a plate fundraisers with celebrities and amazing food.

    • Kashif Shah
      2 months ago

      Fucking UN Human Rights aren’t on that list.