Me personally? I’ve become much less tolerant of sexist humor. Back in the day, cracking a joke at women’s expense was pretty common when I was a teen. As I’ve matured and become aware to the horrific extent of toxicity and bigotry pervading all tiers of our individualistic society, I’ve come to see how exclusionarly and objectifying that sort of ‘humor’ really is, and I regret it deeply.

        1 year ago

        Nah it’s fine, you’re fine.

        Some might disagree, but IMO it’s actually a show of respect and inclusion. In Star Trek they call all senior officers Sir, regardless of gender. Love it.

      • goldenbug
        61 year ago

        That there is 51% of people who usually do not see themselves represented in those words. Y’all and peeps are my favorites.

        • people_are_cute
          51 year ago

          I always thought those terms were gender neutral. Girls and boys alike use them where I’m from.

        31 year ago

        I started addressing people online with “Girls” and some completely lost their shit and got incredibly angry. I kinda think different now about addressing whole groups as “Boys”.

        I realized that the fact people think “Boys” is neutral and cool but “Girls” is basically an insult is a problem. And I don’t want to take part in keeping it alive.

      • TouchTheFuckingFrog
        -21 year ago

        A lot of FLINTA people don’t like it. It can be especially upsetting to AMAB people who don’t identify as male. It’s not the same, but it’s similar to things like the n-word, or the f-slur. If someone chooses to use the word about themselves, that’s one thing, but if they don’t, there’s a very good chance you’d upset them.

          • TouchTheFuckingFrog
            1 year ago

            FLINTA - Frauen, Lesben, Intersexuelle, Nicht-binär, Transgender and Agender. It’s a German acronym, and basically covers all non-cishet men, though with a bent toward the female side of things.

            AMAB - assigned male at birth. Basically if the doctor slapped your arse and said “it’s a boy”, you’re AMAB.

            Though not acronyms, I’ll expand for clarity:

            N word - n****r, a racial slur aimed at black people.

            F slur - f****t, a homophobic slur, primarily aimed at male presenting queer people, but pretty common all round.